This is my personal fastpage.

Week Topics Review Ticket Summary
0 Tool Setup Hacks I learned how to install the software, how to use Vscode, and the basics of Github
1 Into into Python Hacks I learned how to personalize by fastpage and how to use bash script in Jupyter Notebooks.
2 Data Abstraction Hacks I learned how to use Python for lists and dictionaries. I also learned about loops and how to edit HTML to personalize my blog. I was also able to temporarily change the theme of my blog from minima to midnight.
3 Creative Development Hacks I learned how to code in I learned more about basic code and how to use buttons, a score system, and how to insert a sound.
4 Python Web Server Project Hacks I learned how to edit my fastpage and make a flask portfolio through a local server
5 UI Starters Hacks I learned more about creative design and how to alter html and css to design my flask portfolio. I also become more familiar with using flask and javascript.
6 Deployment Hacks I learned how our group project could be opened through AWS instead of running a local server that can not be accessed on the internet. I also learned about AWS deployment curl.
7 API Hacks I learned that API is a set of programming instructions for accessing a particular software application or database.
8 Internet Connections Cancelled No assignment to turn in.
9 Project Week 1 Hacks We showed listening to instructions on speaking less word and showing more work. We shared many files in conjunction with brief overviews that shared a lot of learning, understanding, and experiments. The API not updated is probably a result of configuration posted to update Nginx configuration to allow PUT. I believe I posted solution. Involvement and participation by everyone was strong. Ideas seem strong as well.
11 Project Week 3 Hacks For our program, our group created a quiz integrated with the Fastpages browsing system.The program uses questions and answers generated in a random order from an API to create a quiz, and the API itself is located in the backend of the program. It also logs data in the form of points and presents these points at the end of the quiz, for correct and incorrect answers. We also included another API in the form of a survey that collects the data and stores it; a table is used for this.
12 Finals Week Hacks  
13 Binary Logic and Abstraction Hacks Our project was a physics, math, and stats study website, where students can practice the material they need to know before their next test!
14 Algorithms and Logic Unit 3.1-3.2 Hacks I received a 0.9/1 because I did all the requirments but did not do the extra binary hacks for the 1/1.
14 Mathematical Expressions and Strings Hacks Our group taught this lesson. We received a 3.6/4
14 Boolean Expression, Conditionals, Nested Conditionals Hacks I received a 0.9/1 for extra vocab and meeting the requirments
15 Unit 3.14-3.15 Libraries and Documentations, Random Values Hacks I received a 1/1 because I did all the required work correctly and had good attepts to the Extra Credit
15 Unit 3.12-3.13 Procedures and Parameters Hacks I received a 0.9/1 Some answers were correct but there were no explanations provided displaying lack of understanding
15 Unit 3.9-3.10 Conditional, Boolean Hacks I received a 0.9/1 because I had everything expected and had notes


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