their stories

about Ashley

  • worked in a research lab at Csusm
  • took physicics in high school
  • only has physics
  • first generation student
  • phd at usd for material science and engineering
  • good support system and smaller campus

about John

  • from escondidio
  • stared at palomar college for three years
  • degree in computer science
  • six years to get bachelors degree

  • can use computer science degree for lots of things


pultry farm before a school new engineering builiding national leader in social mobility csusm has more than 250 stairs it is known as the CSU’s stair master


  • Bachelors in chemistry, Bachelors and masters biological sciences, Bachelors computer engineering, masters in cybersecurity, minor in mathematics, electrical engineering, biotechnology


  • physics, biotechnology, biological sciences, math, computer scienve, software engineering


  • cybsecurity, robotics, 3D Printing, Women STEM, society of physics students, society of women engineers, national society of black engineers


  • period of work experience offered by an organization for a limited tim period
  • clubs have internship oppertunities, check email, go to campus events, look up oppertunities, avoid unpaid internships in the future, - - - apply if you feel underqualified, ask faculty members for help regarding applications, go to writing center on campus


  • summer scholars program: research with advisor for 10 weeks, and get paid.
  • quantium bridge program: 4 week program for admitted CSUSM students interested in learning more about quantum series.

Researh at CSUSM

  • arithmetic dynamics in Math
  • cancer cell research
  • materials research

Grant vs scholarship

  • grant: government money to get you through school
  • scholarship: privite money to get you through school -check student emails, financial aid office, look up oppertunities

Paying in college

  • unsubsidized: does accureinterest whiile you are in school and during grace periods

  • subsidized: does not accure interest while you are in school at lease half-time or duing deferment periods

life after csusm

  • some go straight into teaching credtional program or graduate programs and get paid to get to graduate school
  • should be getting paid when getting phd

Reflection from Presentation

The panel was really fascinating and informative. Graduates of Cal State San Marcos, John and Ashley, the speakers, described many STEM-related aspects of their university and programs. They provide information and advise on how to participate in and excel in some of the programs and studies that are offered at CSUSM. With my interest in STEM, I will use their advice. The final activity was also a lot of fun and interesting. I feel that this panel provided me with a wealth of new information, insights, and resources regarding STEM in higher education.