<<<<<<< HEAD =======
- title: Lists, Dictionaries, Iteration
- toc: true
- categories: [units]
- permalink: /collegeboard/python_lists
- image: /images/python_lists.png
- categories: [collegeboard]
- tags: [python]
>>>>>>> f44d76edc589c60593655631253fadb963713168
score = 0
questions = 4

def q_a(q, a):
    answer = input(q)
    score = 0
    if answer == a:
        print("Good job! That is correct!")
        score = 1
        print("Good try! The answer is " + a + ".")
    return score
name = input("Enter your name:")
print("Hey! " + name)
ready = input("This quiz will have 4 questions." + " Are you ready to start this quiz? Answer yes or no.")
if ready == "yes":
    print("Let's get started!")
    print("Good Luck!")

#question 1:
score = score + q_a("1. Are static texts changeable?", "No")

#question 2:
score = score + q_a("2. Where is output found in Jupyter Notebook?", "Below the code cell")

#question 3:
score = score + q_a("3. What are grouping a sequence of commands called?", "Procedural abstraction")

#question 4:
score = score + q_a("4. What are two or more lines that form a sequence called?", "Sequence of code")

#ending score
if score >= 3:
    print("Congratulations! You completed this quiz with an amazing score! You scored a: {}/4" .format(score))
    print("Congratulations! You completed the quiz. Your score is a: {}/4" .format(score))
Hey! Ellie
Good Luck!
Good job! That is correct!
Good job! That is correct!
Good job! That is correct!
Good job! That is correct!
Congratulations! You completed this quiz with an amazing score! You scored a: 4/4