Big Idea 5.1 Beneficial and Harmful Effects

Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing

  • detail-oriented, identify syntax errors in your code, at the same time, long screen time is a negative effect.

  • While computer programs can help you double check your work, instead of doing your work to learn the necessary critical thinking and skills to be successful in the future, people can cheat and just copy the answers. multitasking becomes very easy, however, it could be harder to focus on one task seriously.

Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?

  • Dopamine issue is real, when we scroll, especially on Tiktok or Instagram, we get immediate hits of dopamine, which is one of reasons why Youtube is a dying platform. Videos are too long, people want a 60 second or less video. As a result, we are losing our ability to focus and find joy in daily, mundane tasks. I found myself continously scrolling on Tiktok during quarantine, and I wasn’t doing the things I wanted to finish. After I deleted the app, I replaced the time I was spending on social media and swapped it for real hobbies and activities like calling my friends, playing the guitar, etc.

# Big Idea 5.2 Digital Divide

How does someone empower themself in a digital world?

  • Someone can empower themself in the digital world by making sure that they are informed on all the new technological advancements, getting all the information they can, so that they aren’t easily scammed or tricked.

  • Exploring all the fields in the interdisciplinary digital world such as UX/UI, software engineering, data mining, etc., you can make sure that you know what interests you and further explore that area.

  • A lot of the times, people are turned away from computer science because they think it’s just coding, but there are so many different fields to pursue and you are sure to find something that appeals to you.

How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS.

  • I’m a member of Girls in CS, a club at Del Norte that . In my CSP classes, there are less girls than boys and when I try to convince my friends to do CS events with me, they always think that it’s too hard or boring.

I- think since my friends are already pursuing different areas now, it might be too late to convince them to learn cs, which is why I think it’s important to start empowering kids from a young age to consider this field.

  • Through hosting hackathons, workshops, and seminars that educate others on how fun and challenging it can be.

Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere?

  • paper is blocking digital empowerment, we’ve been using paper for so long that it’s what we’re used to. As a result, some people don’t want to use the computer if not necessary because it can be difficult to learn.

  • But it’s important to to learn how to use a computer, especially in this day in age, everything is online, sticking to paper will only cause you to restrict yourself.

  • Yes, there are such barriers at Del Norte. In English, we still had to write on-demands on paper. We were only give 40 minutes and I didn’t understand a situation in real life where we would only have paper and 40 minutes to write an essay. Instead of practicing writing fast, you should practice your typing skills, which would be more efficient and faster in the long run, allowing you to write more.

5.1-5.2 Blog

Think of three beneficial effects of your projects based on 5.1 Unit

  • help humane society with donations h
  • elp abandoned dogs and dogs without homes find good owners

  • find the dog that matches your life the best so that it is the easiest transition

Think of a potential harmful effect of your project.

  • There could be an error in the code and the people could be matched to a dog that doesn’t fit their criteria and the dog may be returned. Answer with an opinion and learnings so far this year: What are pros/cons on internet blockers at router and lack of admin password on lab machines at school?

  • pros- keeps people on track at school, for example if students want to use instagram, pinterest, or other social medias, they have to wait until they go home

  • cons- for computer science class, certain websites are banned, like when we want to deploy a website. Therefore, we have to use vpn or a hot spot which can be inconvenient. What concerns do you have personally about the digital divide? For yourself or for others.

  • One concern I have is that others who live in poverty and don’t have access to the technology that we have may fall behind and not be educated on all the changes in the digital world. Additionally, they may be less encouraged to pursue jobs in the tech industry because of a lack of opportunity. As a result, certain demographics may be less represented in the technology we use.