
What is bias in computing?

  • Computing bias is the term used to describe a computer program or piece of software that unfairly favors one input or population over another. This could have occurred by chance or on intent. One example of computational bias is the HP facial recognition system, which works better on people with lighter skin tones. This is possibly because they haven’t worked with people who have darker skin tones before.


  • The creators did not make on purpose, It can only recognize white faces because it was developed using only data from white people. Another justification for reducing the digital divide is the possibility that problems like these wouldn’t occur as frequently if everyone had access to computers. Segregation is something that only white people have, thus by keeping black people out of it, you are also losing a major market sector. This needs to be corrected.


CompSci has 150 ish principles students. Describe a crowdsource idea and how you might initiate it in our environment?

  • Given the large number of computer science students we have, we might create a platform for helping students with their homework in coding. We might ask people to email us the pertinent bits of their working code when we are stuck on a particular assignment, post it on the platform, and explain the code. We would be able to ask questions and be asked questions.

What about Del Norte crowdsourcing? Could your project be better with crowdsourcing?

  • Because our website is built on assisting people in adopting dogs and finding a furry friend, crowdsourcing could benefit our project. By having many people use our website, we are able to save reviews and be able to reflect on this and renew our website to our best version.

What kind of data could you capture at N@tM to make evening interesting? Perhaps use this data to impress Teachers during finals week.

  • We could request that instructors, parents, and students visit our website during N@tM. We can also create a review page where they may indicate what they liked and didn’t like. We can also solicit user feedback on any suggestions for expanding our website in the upcoming year. They can offer feedback on what they enjoyed, suggestions for changes, and suggestions for new features.