My Score: 46/50

1st Incorrect Question

Takeaway/Correction: Alejandra’s geographic location is needed so that the application can determine which restaurants are nearby. The usernames of the people on Brandon and Cynthia’s contact lists are not needed. Since Alejandra is organizing the meal, only her contact list is used.

2nd Incorrect Question

Takeaway/Correction: Information about which restaurants Brandon and Cynthia have visited in the past is not needed. Restaurants are recommended based on whether they can accommodate all allergies and dietary restrictions, not based on whether group members have been there before. Information about which food allergies and dietary restrictions can be accommodated at nearby restaurants is needed so that a restaurant can be recommended for the group.

3rd Incorrect Question

Takeaway/Correction: This is the initial value of r. Both q and s have the value 30 after executing the code segment.

4th Incorrect Question

Takeaway/Correction: The eighth statement assigns the value of c + d / 2 (which is 50) to d.